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Comprehension skills

Reading skill

Very often pupils have problem reading and understanding the text. Pupils are not even aware that they do not understand the text because most of the time they just glance through or read
passively. This form of reading does not help them to understand the text if they are amatuers in reading.

So, the best thing that they can do is to read actively. That is reading with annotation. When pupils read and annotate, their mind starts to question what they read and therefore it helps in understanding the text more efficiently. This form of reading will also help pupils to understand the text at a deeper level as they connect the phrases to form meaning.

Another advantage of annotation is that it can help them when they come back to the text again after reading the question. As they flip back and forth, they do not need to reread so many times as what
is required is already mark out on the text.

Some students think that they do not have so much time to do it. This is not true. Perhaps they should try this new strategy to see if they can improve their comprehension of the text. Just know that more haste less speed. It is not the speed that counts but the understanding that matters!

Answering comprehension questions

1.  Please do not write short forms for words given in the passage. Eg. Veterinarian ---> Vet.
     We do not know whether this will amount to deduction of marks
     in the PSLE exam.