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Friday, October 15, 2010

Synthesis strategy

Synthesis is about grammar.

Most of the grammar that you have learned in P1 to P5 are applied in synthesis.

However, there are some commonly tested grammar items in synthesis which you ought to take note.

For example,

1. Verbs (Plural subject will take plural verbs, Singular subjects will take singular verbs)
    Plural verbs have no 's' while singular verbs have 's'.
    Verb tenses are also tested in the synthesis. (Some verbs need to add 'ed' while others do not)

2. SV agreement. -- SV agreement can be found in our preston english. Please note the various subject verb as below.
    Neither of --- singular verb
    Neither nor/either nor/Either or/Neither or/ --- the verb will follow the subject closest to it.

   Eg . Neither John nor Peter is.....
          Either Fred or his friends are .....

3. Punctuation. --- Punctuation is also one aspect of synthesis which you need to take note. It is part of grammar testing.

   Eg.  The son, who is my friend's nephew, likes to eat ice cream.
          In this case, the noun phrase has to be in between two commas. So either two or none.

Please remember to highlight or underline the verbs, tenses or punctuation so that you will know that it is correctly done.


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